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The Handmaid's Tale

56 episodes in 5 seasons – 221 users following

In a dystopian near-future, the totalitarian and Christian-fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war and subjugates women, who are not allowed to work, control money, or even read. Widespread infertilit…Read more In a dystopian near-future, the totalitarian and Christian-fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war and subjugates women, who are not allowed to work, control money, or even read. Widespread infertility due to environmental contamination has resulted in the conscription of young fertile women—called Handmaids, according to biblical precedent—who are assigned to the homes of the elite, where they must have ritualized sex with the men in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives.

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Season 05

S05E01 Morning
S05E02 Ballet
S05E03 Border
S05E04 Dear Offred
S05E05 Fairytale
S05E06 Together
S05E07 No Man’s Land
S05E08 Motherland
S05E09 Allegiance
S05E10 Safe

Season 04

S04E01 Pigs
S04E02 Nightshade
S04E03 The Crossing
S04E04 Milk
S04E05 Chicago
S04E06 Vows
S04E07 Home
S04E08 Testimony
S04E09 Progress
S04E10 The Wilderness

Season 03

S03E01 Night
S03E02 Mary and Martha
S03E03 Useful
S03E04 God Bless the Child
S03E05 Unknown Caller
S03E06 Household
S03E07 Under His Eye
S03E08 Unfit
S03E09 Heroic
S03E10 Witness
S03E11 Liars
S03E12 Sacrifice
S03E13 Mayday

Season 02

S02E01 June
S02E02 Unwomen
S02E03 Baggage
S02E04 Other Women
S02E05 Seeds
S02E06 First Blood
S02E07 After
S02E08 Women's Work
S02E09 Smart Power
S02E10 The Last Ceremony
S02E11 Holly
S02E12 Postpartum
S02E13 The Word

Season 01

S01E01 Offred
S01E02 Birth Day
S01E03 Late
S01E04 Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum
S01E05 Faithful
S01E06 A Woman's Place
S01E07 The Other Side
S01E08 Jezebels
S01E09 The Bridge
S01E10 Night

watched.li is a project by Philipp Waldhauer and is running since 2011.

Special thanks to: Hannah Rauß, Marcel Wichmann, Martin Wolf, Jan Oelze

Data provided by TheTVDB

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