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Taken (2017)

26 episodes in 2 seasons – 20 users following

As former CIA agent Bryan Mills deals with a personal tragedy that shakes his world, he fights to overcome the incident and exact revenge.

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Season 02

S02E01 S.E.R.E.
S02E02 Quarry
S02E03 Hammurabi
S02E04 Opsec
S02E05 Absalom
S02E06 Charm School
S02E07 Invitation Only
S02E08 Strelochnik
S02E09 Verum Nocet
S02E10 All About Eve
S02E11 Password
S02E12 Imperium
S02E14 Carapace
S02E15 Render
S02E16 Viceroy

Season 01

S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Ready
S01E03 Off Side
S01E04 Mattie G.
S01E05 A Clockwork Swiss
S01E06 Hail Mary
S01E07 Solo
S01E08 Leah
S01E09 Gone
S01E10 I Surrender

watched.li is a project by Philipp Waldhauer and is running since 2011.

Special thanks to: Hannah Rauß, Marcel Wichmann, Martin Wolf, Jan Oelze

Data provided by TheTVDB

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