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Taboo (2016)

8 episodes in 1 seasons – 149 users following

James Keziah Delaney has been to the ends of the earth and comes back irrevocably changed. Believed to be long dead, he returns home to London from Africa to inherit what is left of his father's shipping empire and rebuild a life for himself. But his fath…Read more James Keziah Delaney has been to the ends of the earth and comes back irrevocably changed. Believed to be long dead, he returns home to London from Africa to inherit what is left of his father's shipping empire and rebuild a life for himself. But his father's legacy is a poisoned chalice, and with enemies lurking in every dark corner, James must navigate increasingly complex territories to avoid his own death sentence. Encircled by conspiracy, murder and betrayal, a dark family mystery unfolds in a combustible tale of love and treachery.

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Season 01

S01E01 Episode 1
S01E02 Episode 2
S01E03 Episode 3
S01E04 Episode 4
S01E05 Episode 5
S01E06 Episode 6
S01E07 Episode 7
S01E08 Episode 8
S01E09 TBA
S01E10 TBA

watched.li is a project by Philipp Waldhauer and is running since 2011.

Special thanks to: Hannah Rauß, Marcel Wichmann, Martin Wolf, Jan Oelze

Data provided by TheTVDB

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