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Record of Ragnarok

27 episodes in 2 seasons – 4 users following

Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves worthy of survival. Let the Ragnarok battles begin.

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Season 02

S02E01 Good vs. Evil
S02E02 The Indomitable War God
S02E03 Birth of a Monster
S02E04 The Final Labor
S02E05 Requiem
S02E06 Conflicting Motives
S02E07 Hundred Seals
S02E08 The Pinnacle of 1116
S02E09 Resonance
S02E10 The Brink
S02E11 Round Six
S02E12 Zero
S02E13 The Strongest Puberty In History
S02E14 Legend of the Underworld
S02E15 The Way of Light

Season 01

S01E01 Ragnarok
S01E02 Worthy Opponent
S01E03 Killer Move
S01E04 Joy
S01E05 FILE No.00000000001
S01E06 Great Emulation
S01E07 Expelled from Paradise
S01E08 Grace Abounding
S01E09 Tyrant of the Ocean
S01E10 Greatest Loser
S01E11 The Swallow Gazes into the Abyss
S01E12 And Ragnarok Goes On

watched.li is a project by Philipp Waldhauer and is running since 2011.

Special thanks to: Hannah Rauß, Marcel Wichmann, Martin Wolf, Jan Oelze

Data provided by TheTVDB

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